Sunday, September 15, 2013


This week our house has been sick! First Abby for two days, then Alex.  Of course they are never sick at the same time.

Taking medicine, normally a thing they love, has been difficult.  Abby has spit out about 1/2 of her dose at least twice.  I don't blame her.  The chalky appearance of the liquid medicine would make me spit it out too!

They have been a little less crazy since they haven't felt well.   It doesn't stop them from fighting.  This mornings argument was over which ipad was the "new" one and which was the "old" one.  We have two identical iPads.  The programs vary slightly, but they have a lot of the same apps the kids play.  The only difference visually at first glance is a slight difference in the griffin case.  And sadly my 3 and 4year old can see the difference.   Yesterday's fight was over who got which bucket (they are blue and pink) and Abby was insisting that the blue one was hers.

They have also been insisting in saving every cardboard box we have to make a rocket ship. Thanks again Daniel Tiger!

Being sick also leads to some other interesting things.  Pretty much they refuse to eat.  That is until something yummy like banana nut pound cake is available.

They pretty much refuse to change clothes.  Abby stripped down to her diaper at 8:30 a.m. (It was cold in the house....low over night was 47 and we had most of the windows open). She got dressed about 5:30 pm when I forced it because Mr. Matt was coming over.

They have also been fighting taking a bath.  I set the timer before I started writing this,  when it goes off, hell or high water, we are taking baths.  They stink!  I may need a nap after bath time and it is about 9:15 a.m. :).

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 1

My children are crazy. They come by it in their genes. Here's a little sample of the recent crazy things my children have done

1. Alex insisted on eating an entire spoonful of flour (Daniel tiger, I blame you!). It resulted in gagging, scraping of his tongue with a paper towel and drinking a huge glass of water!

2. Abby wanted to splash in puddles. So while I was occupied in the other room, she pushed a kitchen  chair to the top of the stairs and stood on it to get her coat off the hooks.

3.  Kids grabbed my phone while I was cleaning. It kept them occupied, thank goodness, so I could be slightly more productive. The end result: 140 pictures and two videos of these items : the toy shelf, my butt, the floor, the toilet bowl, their fingers, their image in the mirror, and glaring white light I can only assume is the camera aimed at the light. 140!!!

4.  Picked a jalapeƱo out of the garden. They wanted to try new foods (Daniel tiger again!). Only by the grace of God did Chris convince them to lick it instead of bite into it like an apple.

5.  They routinely bring rocks in the house to have a "rock collection". They are landscaping rocks and hurt a lot when I step on them

6.  Same cleaning incident as previously mentioned:  I told them not to make a mess in the bedrooms. I needed to vacuum. So they carried about 30 toys into my tiny bathroom instead.

7. Somehow a penny found its way into Abby's diaper. I don't know how.

8.  They have had screaming matches both saying "This one is mine"  They each had their own (fill in the blank of some random object).  Like hysterical screaming matches. And there was nothing to argue over

9. They have done tricks like a dog for marshmallows. I am not kidding. They will sit, stand, heel, roll over, etc.